As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are now working remotely in order to avoid exposure to the virus, and have been for about a year. This major historical event has caused a shift in the way businesses operate and organize their workers and workloads, and it has affected the way that people approach doing their work on a daily basis. Instead of working in traditional offices, employees are now performing their duties at home at desks, on couches and in bed. For many, this has been a positive experience, providing an opportunity to feel more freedom and flexibility to work with a custom-tailored structure. For others, adjusting to this new form of work has been challenging. Remote work is changing our health and wellness habits, and it’s important to continue practicing positive habits even in the midst of a more relaxed work environment. Here are some health habits to adopt that will not only help you stay healthy, and will also help you be more efficient and productive.
Set A Routine
Some workers have undoubtedly taken the opportunity of working from home and used it to let their schedules relax. While this can be good, depending on the previous work environment, it can also be harmful to overall mental and physical health. It’s still important to set up and follow a routine every day, such as getting up early enough to prepare for the day before clocking in. Other things to incorporate into your morning routine are exercising, eating breakfast, meditating, journalling or practicing any other positive habit. Making this a priority will help you be more productive than you would be by just waking up in time for your first Zoom call.
Take Regular Breaks
Taking breaks during work is just as important as it ever was, only now, you need to take breaks at home rather than in the office. For some people, this means structuring your day with specific times when you work and others when you walk around, have lunch or get a fresh cup of coffee. This also provides the opportunity to look away from your computer screen, which is proven to help improve both productivity and mental health.
Plan Meals
Working from home also gives remote workers more access to whatever food they have in their home, which could lead to less-than-ideal eating patterns. You may not need to pack your lunch or commute to work anymore, but it’s still important to have a meal schedule and a plan for what meal you’re going to eat. This can help ensure you’re maintaining a balanced diet that’s rich in nutrients. Not only will preparing in this way help you maintain a healthy eating routine, it will also give you something to look forward to during the day.
Create A Designated Workspace
We understand that working from your bed, couch or favorite chair can be fun and helpful for shaking things up a bit. But you should also try to set up a workspace to help you maintain a professional mindset and focus on the work you do each day. Working at a desk also has added benefits of maintaining proper ergonomics to reduce strain on the back and wrists. Having this space and keeping it clean and organized will also help you maintain your mental health.
Stay Hydrated
Drinking plenty of water is also just as important as ever. Not only does drinking water keep your body functioning properly, it can also help you stay focused. While you’re at home, you have as much access to coffee, soda and other sugary drinks as you want, but it’s still important to keep yourself hydrated.
Get Active
Working from home can lead to a lot of inactivity, potentially allowing you to stay in one place the entire day with the exception of preparing meals. However, it’s still important to go outside, take walks, exercise in whatever way feels safe and appropriate, and allow your body a chance to stretch and move. Staying active even while working remotely will help your circulation, keep your heart and muscles healthy and improve your focus and performance at work.
We’re Here For You
It’s quite possible that working remotely is the future of many jobs, especially as the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve. No matter what your work situation is, it’s important to build and maintain a routine that is healthy for you. If you need help figuring out what wellness practices to adopt or learning how to cope with the many changes happening in the world, our physicians would love to assist you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!